Climate Discovery Chronicles
Bruce MeltonIf this is not climate change, then this is what climate change will be like in a decade or maybe even sooner. This book is about climate change happening now. It details 40 recent climate science discoveries with 100 color images.
Some of the smartest people in the world have been telling us for over twenty years that these things would happen—that is just what this book reports.
Two massive droughts in the Amazon, a 100-year drought in 2005 and one four times more extreme in 2010, that killed over two billion trees. These droughts are now responsible for the Amazon emitting greenhouse gases (not absorbing like forests are supposed to do), at a rate that is 75 percent that of total annual U.S. emissions.
Brutal? Yes, but never fear. The same propagandists that bring us the beliefs that climate change is not real, is inconsequential or is only a natural cycle, largely bring us the concept that climate change is too expensive to fix.
Entries include things like the great pine beetle pandemic across 64 million acres of the Rocky Mountains where a native pine beetle attack is 10 to 20 times larger than anything ever known. The beetles have been driven berserk by warming. Other discoveries include: icequakes 1,000 times more powerful than anything ever before seen in Greenland; Earth experiencing 321 consecutive months where the temperature was above the 20th century average; plankton production in our oceans decreasing 40 percent since 1950; current global CO2 emissions increasing along the lines of the worst-case computer model scenario; the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsing and sea level rising 10 to 20 feet in 25 to 100 years or less, 121,000 years ago when Earth was one degree warmer than today; Greenland losing six times more ice today than in 1996; Arctic sea ice melting 70 years ahead of schedule; Antarctica losing ice 100 years ahead of schedule, and two massive droughts in the Amazon, a 100-year drought in 2005 and one four times more extreme in 2010, that killed over two billion trees. These droughts are now responsible for the Amazon emitting greenhouse gases (not absorbing like forests are supposed to do), at a rate that is 75 percent that of total annual U.S. emissions.
Brutal? Yes, but never fear. The same propagandists that bring us the beliefs that climate change is not real, is inconsequential or is only a natural cycle, largely bring us the concept that climate change is too expensive to fix.
Amazon $17.50 Kindle Color $4.99
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Climate Discovery
Climate Change Now Initiative
Climate Science Outreach, nonprofit 501c3
Austin, Texas