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Critical Climate Time Frames: New Strategy is Needed

By Abrupt changes, alternatives, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, Negative emissions, Sea Level Rise, Solutions, Strategy

Scientists have been planning for how to implement a transformation to an alternative energy infrastructure for more than several years now. Jacobson 2013, represents years of effort and others have been doing the same. We know how to evolve our energy infrastructure, how long it will take, how much it will cost, and how efficient…

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An Easier Solution to Climate Change

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, Climate Reform, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, economics, Extreme Weather, in-depth and Popular Press, Sea Level Rise, Shifting Ecology, Strategy, Temperature, What we can do

The driver of our climate system has changed in the last two decades from one that is controlled by annual emissions, to one that is controlled by already emitted CO2. This means that previous strategies to control annual emissions are no longer meaningful and we must now turn our attention to the already emitted climate…

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What is Important and Why? A Zero-Warming Healthy Climate

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, economics, Emissions, Negative emissions, Solutions, Strategy

For 24 years we have been attempting to implement climate reform, but because strategies are complex, controversial and inequitable, we have nothing to show for this effort save a near-failing carbon credit program in the EU. By giving ourselves permission to seek zero warming, we go beyond the failed strategies of the past into a…

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