“Nature” is one of the oldest scientific journals in existence. First Published in 1869, it is also one of the most distinguished and prestigious scientific journals and was ranked the world’s most cited academic journal in 2010. The Nature Publishing Group (NPG) includes 117 academic journals ranging from Acta Pharmacologica Sinca (China’s leading journal on…
From Al Gore’s Ezra Klien’s interview in the Washington Post on 8/21/13http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/08/21/al-gore-explains-why-hes-optimistic-about-stopping-global-warming/ Al Gore has a really important Climate Change Initiative that is gaining steam, participants and press. It is called the Climate Reality Project (https://www.climaterealityproject.org). There are a few really important things that Al said about the politics of our climate future that…
The National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder Colorado and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, funded by the National Science Foundation, have been taking a serious look at some radically crazy sea level rise figures. It seems that the Australian Outback has taken over sea level rise. Those widespread floods that ended (temporarily?) Australia’s latest 10-year…
AUSTIN, Texas – The Rag Blog August 15, 2013: The science is certain, but the deniers are just as certain that their pseudo science is certain. Getting the last few deniers to agree with 97 percent of climate scientists though — is that a good use of resources? We have the vast majority of the…