A study in Geophysical Research Letters has found moss beneath a recently melted glacier on Baffin Island that dates back 44,000 to 120,000 years using radiocarbon-14 dating. This technique uses the radioactive decay rate of carbon-14, a rare but predictable version of a normal carbon atom, to date things that were once alive. The radioactive…

ClimateCom Podcasts: Miss the event at Scholtz’ Beirgarten on the 6th? Download the podcasts and listen at your leisure. We are very pleased at the success of the forum. We filled Scholz’ to near capacity and everyone stayed for the entire event(!) Podcasts of each segment as well as the whole nine yards are linked…
Climate scientists said to expect surprises. How can we have a bigger drought than ever before with our rainfall increasing? It’s all about evaporation and it’s not lake evaporation. It is evaporation from plants that use more water in what is now a much warmer world in Central Texas. It is about that warmer world…
Predictable, the voices are rising as Arctic sea ice melt season peaks. Gore did not say “2013.” He said as soon as 2013. The scientists he quoted were led by sea ice researcher named Wieslaw Maslowski at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California. Their research is funded by the Department of Energy (DOE),…
When will we completely leave our old climate? When will our new climate be 100 percent different than our old? When will the normal temperature in the our new climate be warmer than anything in our old climate? It’s called Climate Departure and it is coming soon to a planet near you. On the path…
Climate Change Communications From the Media – A Mini Symposium Global Warming Psychology 101: Our climate has changed, but the message is not getting through. How can the media better present current climate science so that the public can convince our leaders to act? October 6th, Scholz Biergarten in Austin, 3:45 to 6:45 pm Suggested…
Much is being said about the IPCC report telling us that there has been a pause in warming. It says no such thing. Not only does it say no such thing, it says that that Earth systems warming (atmosphere, land and ocean) has continued unabated. August was the fourth warmest August ever recorded globally, September…
Waste, waste, waste. Through blind luck, sheer madness or backwards genius process, I have stumbled upon a landscaping technique that saves an enormous amount of water. Our Highland Lakes here in Central Texas are just a bit more than 30% full and even 5 to 7 inches of rain in the contributing watershed does not…