March 23, 2009 Just a little known fact here to make your life a little more accurate. Recent studies have found that the ocean’s pH has changed from 8.16 to 8.05 since the Industrial revolution. This is 100 times faster than normal, but it just doesn’t look like much until one understands the significance of…
Ocean acidity increases with atmospheric CO2 concentration. Since the turn of the 21st century, ocean acidity has caused a decrease of carbon concentration in the exoskeletons of the primary productivity organisms of the oceans. This means, not only are this fundamentally important part of the ocean system at risk, but the oceans are not absorbing…
Not in the Great Southern Ocean, but from an eight year study off the coast of Washington State. The seas around Antarctica are proceeding 60 years ahead of schedule. The implication so ocean acidification are grave. Primary productivity is one of really important things on this planet. The oceans are really big and primary productivity…
Senator John Kerry said that president-elect Obama would lead world in the negotiations of a successor agreement to Kyoto in the coming year. The BBC News had this to say about Kerry’s comments: The senator said that none of the numbers on the table – the EU’s 20% by 2020, the US return to 1990…