Scientists have known for a long time that our Earth has been cooling naturally since the last thermal maximum about 7,000 years ago. At least intuitively, from all of their paleoclimate knowledge, our climate should be following the normal pattern of astronomical cycles. These natural cycles say that Earth should have been cooling for quite…
A study released today from George Mason University says that the place where America spends the most time outside of work, is doing virtually nothing to educate the public about the climate crisis. The study analyzed a hypothesis called "reinforcing spirals framework". The reinforcing spiral in this case is that knowledge of climate change tends…
In an interview with the AFP Pachauri said that the emphasis for emissions reductions for 2050 needed to be place on 2020 because of the unanticipated acceleration of climate change. "Strong and urgent action is needed" said Pachauri in a meeting of the ministers of the International Energy Agency in Paris. Pauchauri is chairman of…
October 10, 2009 years A A paper in the journal Science last week, published by a UCLA scientist (Dr. Tripati), shows that CO2 is higher today than at any time in the last 15 million years. The study looked at fossilized foraminifera, those tiny sea creatures that make up a large part of ocean primary…