First published on The Rag Blog, November 5, 2012. Climate change plain and simple: Arctic Sea ice melt caused Superstorm Sandy. And things are starting to get crazy with this ongoing string of extreme and unprecedented weather events. Complete Article
How many times in the reporting of this event have you heard that we still cannot tell if any single weather event is caused by climate change? It is time we stopped comparing climate change caused weather events with similar events in the past. Our country is suffering through a second year in a row…
For decades, the concept of installing privies in every house, business, and public building, and then piping human waste to a central treatment system, was perceived as lunacy that would bankrupt society. First published on the Rag Blog Part 3 of a three part series: Part 1: The Climate Awareness Drought is Over: Time to Change…
Which side is biased and how do we tell with all the noise in the media? First published on the Rag Blog Part 2 of a three part series: Part 1: The Climate Awareness Drought is Over: Time to Change the Tone Part 2: The Climate Change awareness drought is over Part Two: Voices tell us ‘the warmists…
The shift in awareness is very encouraging and seems quite likely to be more or less permanent because the number of unprecedented weather events will very likely continue to increase. First published on the Rag Blog Part 1 of a three part series: Part 1: The Climate Awareness Drought is Over: Time to Change the Tone…
(This article is an expansion of and provides technical backup for Bruce Melton’s three-part series, “Welcome to Climate Change in Texas,” published in December 2011 and January 2012 on The Rag Blog.) Read More — Extra: Welcome to Climate Change Texas: The Worst-Case Scenario is Happening (expansion and backup) Part…
The Texas Forest Service tells us that a half billion trees have died. The first of this series of droughts in 2005/6 was just classified as extreme. The last two have been one category worse than extreme — the exceptional category. The last 12 months were drier than the worst 12 months of the great…
As I have been saying in the first two installments of this series, climate change is already much more extreme than most scientists have been predicting. This is mainly because the majority of predictions are based on the “most likely” emissions scenario and because we have not reduced our emissions like climate scientists told us…
Environmental activist Bruce Melton discusses the real-world effects of climate change on Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer. Listen to it here:
AUSTIN — If this is not climate change, then this is exactly what climate change will be in as little as a decade. What has been happening in Texas, with these unprecedented (in time frames that matter) droughts and wildfires, is exactly what the climate scientists have been warning us about for over 20 years….
On a warmer planet, winter weather becomes more volatile. The extremes get more extreme. Read More
In the thousands of scientific papers on climate change that I have reviewed, most of the results talk about how lab tests sequestered far more carbon than imagined; about how the new techniques have been “scaled up” to mass production capacity and shown to be valid. The cost analyses show what at first would seem…
Bruce on Rag Radio, KOOP, Austin (12/03/2010) Investigative Journalist Thorne Dryer interviews Bruce about his work with climate change outreach.
How do we curb emissions with the way our society has evolved? Really. I mean serious curbing; enough to prevent dangerous climate change? When considering the answer, dangerous climate change must be clearly defined. So, what exactly is dangerous climate change? Read More — First published on the Rag Blog
Do you realize that ocean primary productivity has declined 40% since 1950? Or that, this year’s coral bleaching was worse than during the super El Nino of ’98? Or that, the Arctic was declared functionally ice free last summer for the first time in 14 million years? Read More — First published on the Rag…
The science has changed again. This time, things are really upside down. How are we supposed to know which target to shoot? We live, we learn. Science goes on, especially climate science. There is an extreme need for more knowledge about our climate. This has been obvious to the climate scientists for years. The titles in…
It takes 196,000 pounds of plants to produce a gallon of gasoline. It takes 40 acres of plants, roots, stalks, and leaves, to go 20 miles in the average car. This is how much ancient plant matter had to be buried millions of years ago to produce one gallon of gas. It is just incredible…
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) coordinates federal research on environmental changes and their implications for society. The program began as a presidential initiative in 1989 during the Reagan — Bush era and called for “a comprehensive and integrated United States research program that will assist the nation and the world in the understanding,…