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When Normals Are Not Normal: The National Weather Service Is Unwittingly Obscuring the Reality of Global Warming

By Climate Culture, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, global warming psychology, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, Legacy Policy, Messaging, Myths, Strategy, Temperature, The Unexpected,, What we can do

When Normals Are Not Normal The National Weather Service Is Unwittingly Obscuring the Reality of Global Warming by Bruce Melton PE See the abridged version on, July 17, 2022 In-depth references are below the article. Summary: The National Weather Service has a periodic procedure where they recalculate the “normal” climate data presented to the…

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IPCC: More Than All of Observed Warming Has Been Caused by Humanity’s Emissions

By aerosols, Emissions, in-depth and Popular Press, Temperature

First published on April 24, 2015. “The best estimate of the human-induced contribution to warming is similar to the observed warming [from 1951 through 2010].” IPCC 2013, Summary for Policy Makers.(1) This statement differs radically from the almost ubiquitous understanding that part of global warming has been caused by humanity and part is natural. In…

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