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Negative emissions

A Generation of Delay: Climate Policy Is 20 Years Behind

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Deniers and Delayers, in-depth and Popular Press, Negative emissions, Psycho, Solutions

First Published on Truthout, December 4, 2015 The perceived debate on climate change has discredited traditional climate science communications to such an extent that we are just now implementing policies developed during the Kyoto Protocol era that began in 1992. New climate science knowledge is simply not making it out of academia and into public…

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Legacy Climate Policy: The Scale of the Current Science and Need for DAC

By Climate Policy, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, in-depth and Popular Press, Myths, Negative emissions, Solutions, Uncategorized

In the run up to the Paris climate talks, current policy is far behind. Virtually unknown is science stating that the solutions to treating climate pollution are simple, cheap and radically change a generation of policy we are currently trying to implement. Legacy climate policy being enacted today, and proposed at the Paris climate talks is…

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Climate Change 2014: What Do We Do Now?

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Negative emissions, Solutions,

First published on Truthout, December 26, 2014. As we move into 2015, the latest climate science continues to diverge from policy. New science tells us that, because of short-lived climate pollutants, current policies dealing with carbon dioxide pollution alone will likely produce more warming than doing nothing at all. Complete Article

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