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A Photographic Summary of Climate Change Across America

Healthy Planet Action Coalition
November 30, 2023
4:40 ET, 3:30 CT, 1:30 PT

From Padre Island to the North Slope of Alaska: beach erosion, desert species mortality, fire, debris flow, native insect infestations, forest regeneration failure, extreme cold, epic drought, greening of the Arctic, and permafrost collapse… Earth has warmed beyond the evolutionary boundaries of her systems and they are in collapse. Sixteen years ago Bruce Melton began documenting the effects of climate change across North America and Greenland. These impacts are often confused with natural occurrences in the popular literature because they have never happened before, in time frames that matter, and scholarly findings as yet poorly describe the commonness of their occurrences. The reality of these events is mired in debate and obscured by their locations in some of the wildest and most treasured places across our planet. Join MeltOn in his wilderness adventures witnessing the rarest events our advanced human civilization has ever encountered in this photographic review of climate change across America. See the Powerpoint here (342 slides). See the Zoom here.