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frozen ground

Climate Change Across America Photographic Review PowerPoint 342 slides)

By Abrupt changes, Arctic warming, Beaches coastal, Climate Catastrophes, climate emergency, Drought, Extreme Weather, Flooding, forest health, Forest Mortality, frozen ground, Glaciers, in-depth and Popular Press, Permafrost, Permafrost melt, Presentations, Sea Level Rise, Shifting Ecology, The Unexpected, Tipping, Winter Weather

A Photographic Summary of Climate Change Across America Healthy Planet Action Coalition November 30, 2023 4:40 ET, 3:30 CT, 1:30 PT From Padre Island to the North Slope of Alaska: beach erosion, desert species mortality, fire, debris flow, native insect infestations, forest regeneration failure, extreme cold, epic drought, greening of the Arctic, and permafrost collapse……

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Dragon’s Mouths, Permafrost and Earth Systems Collapse Blindness

By Abrupt changes, Alaska, Arctic warming, climate emergency, Climate Policy, climate restoration, Emissions flip, frozen ground, Impacts, Permafrost, Permafrost melt, Scenarios

(cover image: Permafrost thaw, Glenn Highway, Southeastern Alaska) It is nothing short of amazing that scientists consistently find that ecological collapses have been activated, but do not connect that existing warming today, that activated these impacts, allows these collapses to cross the “point of no return” into irreversible collapse. That they believe these ecologies or…

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Permafrost Collapse Ongoing – Completes With No Further Warming

By Abrupt changes, Arctic warming, climate emergency, climate restoration, Earth systems, Emissions flip, feedback, frozen ground, Negative emissions, Permafrost, Permafrost melt

Background: Permafrost Collapse is Underway With Emission Plausibly Rivaling All of Global Transportation… Across the Northern Hemisphere, permafrost collapse emitted 630 TgC, or 2.3 gigatons (Gt) CO2 (not including methane) on average every year from 2003 to 2017 as per findings from Natali et al., 2019, that tells us, “We estimate a contemporary loss of…

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Rag Radio Podcast, Melton Interview on Covid-19 and Permafrost Collapse

By Abrupt changes, Alaska, Arctic Flip, Arctic warming, climate emergency, Earth systems, Emissions flip, feedback, frozen ground, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, Methane, Permafrost, Permafrost melt, Podcasts, The Unexpected

Rag Radio Podcast July 3, 2020 Environmental Researcher & Activist Bruce Melton On Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer, Syndicated on Pacifica Melton talks with Rag Radio host Thorne Dreyer about ongoing massive permafrost collapse and the science showing the Covid-19 origina debate is ongoing, with compelling findings on pathogen reanimation from permafrost and long-held hypotheses…

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Covid-19, climate change, and permafrost collapse, and our new, abruptly evolving culture.

By Abrupt changes, Alaska, Arctic Flip, Arctic warming, Climate Catastrophes, climate emergency, Earth systems, Emissions flip, feedback, frozen ground, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, Permafrost, Permafrost melt, The Unexpected

Covid-19, climate change, and permafrost collapse… …and our new, abruptly evolving culture. By Bruce Melton First Published on The Rag Blog on July 7, 2020 ADDITION, JUNE 11, 2021 — Laboratory Origin — In the original article the citation for the academic review citing the virus was “definitively” not of laboratory origin was not included….

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