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Climate Change Denial in Government and Media in Central Texas

By climate emergency, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, Impacts, Myths, polar vortex, Psycho, Strategy, The Unexpected, What we can do

Climate Change Denial in Government and Media in Central Texas Record-breaking ice accumulation struck Austin on January 31-February 2, 2023 leading to the worst ice disaster Austin has ever seen. One would think that this obviously climate change-caused event would warrant acknowledgement of climate change in any reporting, much less an after-action report this report…

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False Balance in the Media Reduces Climate Science Credibility, Oxford English Dictionary

By Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, Impacts, Messaging, Myths, politics, Psycho, Strategy, Trump, Uncategorized, What we can do

False Balance in the Media Reduces Climate Science Credibility, Oxford English Dictionary “Journalists have struggled historically to apply the notion of balance to the reporting of climate change science, because even though the overwhelming majority of the world’s experts agree that human-driven climate change is real and will have major future impacts, a minority of scientists dispute this consensus….

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What We Can Do as Individuals to Advance Climate Change Awareness

By Deniers and Delayers, global warming psychology, Messaging, Myths, Psycho, Solutions, Strategy

  What is the most efficient thing we can do to progress climate change awareness and defeat the Climate Change Counter Movement’s stranglehold on a healthy climate? What can we do when politics has been destroying our ability to act to regulate climate pollution for a generation? What to do when 75 or even 85…

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2014: Hottest Year Ever (?)

By Temperature,

First published on Truthout, February 11, 2015. The last time we had this discussion was 2013, remember? Before that it was 2010. Before that it was 2005 and everything started with the Super El Nino in 1998. Statistically, saying that 2014 was the hottest year ever is a very valid thing and if you understand…

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