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temperature spike

The “remarkably unprecedented” increase in warming rate in 2023 and 2024

By Abrupt changes, climate emergency, Earth systems, Extreme Weather, Heat, Temperature, The Unexpected, Tipping

The “remarkably unprecedented” increase in warming rate in 2023 and 2024 * All time global temperature records keep falling| * Almost every single day over the last 13 months set a new global daily all-time high temperature records Bruce Melton PE Climate Change Now Initiative, 501c3 It’s not just all-time temperature records being broken….

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Temperature Spike – Thirteen Monthly Global High Temperature Records in a Row

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, climate emergency, Heat, Impacts, Temperature, The Unexpected, Tipping

Thirteen Monthly Global High Temperature Records in a Row Current 12-Month average 1.64 C Above Normal Copernicus Report, European Union’s Earth Observation and Monitoring Program Surface Air Temperature June 2024 June 2024 was warmer globally than any previous June in the data record, with an average ERA5 surface air temperature of 16.66°C, 0.67°C above the…

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Climate Emergency Hope for 2024

By Extreme Weather, Heat, Impacts, Temperature, The Unexpected, Tipping

Busted: The global 1.5 degree C above normal dangerous climate change threshold Climate Emergency Hope for 2024 A Remarkable Jump in Temperature? Bruce Melton PE, Happy New Year all, I want to let you all know about what may to some seem like a perverse perception of “hope” with our accelerating climate emergency. In 2024…

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No need to ruminate for 20 years about 1.5°C. It’s coming in 2024. (Hansen – with commentary)

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, climate emergency, Climate Policy, climate restoration, Earth systems, La Nina, Point of No Return, Temperature, Tipping

Ship Tracks captured in September 2009 by NASA imagery. These tracks are caused when sulfate emissions from burning fossil fuels create cloud condensation nuclei that result in the ship tracks seen in this image. These clouds are common and result in extra sunlight being reflected back into space, cooling Earth. No need to ruminate for…

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“Gobsmackingly Bananas” Berkeley Earth on the 2023 Temperature Jump

By Abrupt changes, climate emergency, Extreme Weather, Heat, Temperature

Berkeley Earth Temperature Anomaly for September, 1851 to 2023 “Gobsmackingly Bananas” – Berkeley Earth on the 2023 Temperature Jump September 2023 Temperature Update, Berkeley Earth First posted at Berkeley Earth, October 11, 2023 by Robert Rohde The following is a summary of global temperature conditions in Berkeley Earth’s analysis of September 2023: Globally, September 2023…

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