April 30, More and more scientists are finally making the realization that this common excuse for the wicked climate change induced extremes of weather we have been having are actual ALL being caused by climate change. Today in real climate science land, "we can not tell if any one individual weather event is caused…
More than 175 have been killed. Let’s put this into perspective. In 1936, the U.S. population was about 128 million. Today it has almost tripled to 308 million. Supposing that the population density has remained the same (it has not, many more people live in the cities now than they did in the ’30s) we…

The earth warms and NASA quietly adds a new color to their legend to accommodate the change. No fanfare, no press release. The skeptical denialists did not even dispute the action. What does it mean? Think of your computer back in the 1990s. Remember how big that first upgrade to a 40 megabyte hard drive…

The yearly average global temperature last year beat out 2005 as the warmest ever by a few hundredths of a degree. The UK Met, The United Kingdom’s national weather service, tells a little different story, but not much. They had 2011 as the second warmest ever, just behind 1998. Why the difference? The Goddard Institute…
This study by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation) combines three major areas of climate science in this report and summarizes 137 separate studies. The three focus areas were drought across the world over the last 1,000 years, drought between 1950 and 2008, and our future as…