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climate pollutants short-lived

The Warming Rate for the Last Two Years Has Been 25 Times the Warming Rate of the Last 150 Years

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, climate emergency, climate pollutants short-lived, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Earth systems, Emissions flip, feedback, geoengineering, Legacy Policy, Negative emissions, Point of No Return, Scenarios, Sea Level Rise, Solutions, Temperature, The Unexpected, Tipping, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Image: Yale Climate Connections The Warming Rate for the Last Two Years Has Been 25 Times the Warming Rate of the Last 150 Years A review of Hansen 2025. In the last two years, Earth has warmed 0.4 degrees C, compared to 1.2 degrees C warming in the previous 100 years. This warming rate is…

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Falling Emissions: With Offshored Goods and Fugitive Emissions — Not So Much

By Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, Climate Reform, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Legacy Policy, Negative emissions, politics, Scenarios, Solutions, Strategy, What we can do

Observations on Declining U.S. Emissions: It’s a widely held belief that the U.S. has been reducing emissions since the peak  2005-2007 before the recession. This is just barely valid today, but several years back it was not. The last time we reported on this, U.S. emission had not fallen as the EPA had insisted, but…

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An Easier Solution to Climate Change

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, Climate Reform, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, economics, Extreme Weather, in-depth and Popular Press, Sea Level Rise, Shifting Ecology, Strategy, Temperature, What we can do

The driver of our climate system has changed in the last two decades from one that is controlled by annual emissions, to one that is controlled by already emitted CO2. This means that previous strategies to control annual emissions are no longer meaningful and we must now turn our attention to the already emitted climate…

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Climate Change 2015: The Latest Science

By aerosols, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Gulf Stream, ice sheet, in-depth and Popular Press, Negative emissions, Solutions, submarine channel, underice, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

First published on Truthout December 26, 3015, by Bruce Melton. Climate science is way out in front of climate policy. Commitments at the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris pale in comparison to those from the Kyoto Protocol with its beginnings in the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The cheap and unambiguous solution of removing CO2…

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The Clean Power Plan Is Barely Better Than Kyoto; IPCC Says: We Must Remove CO2 From the Atmosphere

By adaptation, aerosols, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, in-depth and Popular Press, summary,

First published on Truthout, August 16, 2015. The EPA’s Clean Power Plan is 12 percent more stringent than the Kyoto Protocol, yet since 1978, the US has emitted as much carbon dioxide as we emitted in the previous 228 years. Globally, since 1984, our civilization has emitted as much carbon dioxide as in the previous…

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Climate Change 2014: What Do We Do Now?

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Negative emissions, Solutions,

First published on Truthout, December 26, 2014. As we move into 2015, the latest climate science continues to diverge from policy. New science tells us that, because of short-lived climate pollutants, current policies dealing with carbon dioxide pollution alone will likely produce more warming than doing nothing at all. Complete Article

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With This Decade’s Climate Policy, Expect More Warming Than if Nothing Was Done at All, by Bruce Melton

By Abrupt changes, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, in-depth and Popular Press, Methane, Temperature,

First Published on Truthout, August 27, 2014 (link) The fundamental climate change policy question today is not how much we should reduce carbon dioxide emissions by when, but what will currently proposed carbon dioxide emissions reductions do to our climate in the near-term? In addition, what are the ramifications of short-lived climate pollutants that are…

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