Oaks killed by drought near Visalia, California. Media Disproportionately Publishes Climate Change Contrarian’s Positions “Climate Change is a Wicked multidimensional problem,” say the authors of this research from Nature Communications on the disparity between publishing of articles on climate science vs. climate antiscience in the media. The motivation of this study was, “to provide insights…
A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (here) says that, overwhelmingly, contrarians scientists are underwhelming qualified to be influencing anyone on climate change issues. But to give them credit, they do have their flagship: 30,000 scientists says that climate change is bunk: the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. http://www.oism.org/…
The contrarian propaganda says that global warming has ceased since about the turn of the century, that our planet is no longer warming, so climate change theories must be wrong. Arguments supporting this propaganda are misleading and wrong. It may not appear so, but it is. What I have assembled below is however, is not…
March 26, 2009 How many times can global warming end? Swanson and Tsonis are reporting what’s happening with global ocean dynamics. Yep, temperature has flattened out since the turn of the century. The top 10 hottest years ever recorded have all occurred since 1997. 2008 was the 9th or tenth hottest year depending on whehter…