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Bruce Melton PE

Melton is a professional engineer, environmental researcher, author, filmmaker and front man for the band Climate Change.

The Only Thing Worse Than Climate Change is the American Publics’ Perception of Climate Change

By Deniers and Delayers, Ozone Hole

 Over 97% of climate scientists understand that humankind has been a significant contributor to rising temperatures across the planet yet 42% of Americans believe there is a lot of disagreement between climate scientists.  Polls and surveys tell us a lot of things. They all do not tell us the same things, but they often do…

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United Nations Report Will Make You Want To Jump Off A Cliff

By Climate Catastrophes

The 2009 United Nations Environment Program Yearbook 2009 confirms some astonishing things that happened in climate science last year.  The following is straight from the report: The changing climate is pushing many Earth systems towards critical thresholds that will alter regional and global environmental balances and threaten stability at multiple scales. Alarmingly, we may have…

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More Ocean Productivity Decline

By Oceans

A study in Science on the 13th shows a 12% average decline in ocean productivity along the western Antarctic Peninsula in the last 30 years. Temperatures have increased here 4.6 times the global average. In the last few years of the study (beginning about the time the Big Melt began in Greenland – about 2004)…

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Key Statements from the Copenhagen Summit

By What we can do

1. Recent observations confirm that, given high rates of observed emissions, the worst-case IPCC scenario trajectories (or even worse) are being realized… 2. The research community is providing much more information to support discussions on "dangerous climate change". Recent observations show that societies are highly vulnerable to even modest levels of climate change, with poor…

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Glacierless National Park – Estimate of Glacierlessness Halved Because West’s Temperatures Have Doubled Over 1992 Estimates

By Impacts

One of the most often repeated impacts of climate change is the disappearance of the glaciers from Glacier National Park.  The science has been that the year 2030 would see the melting of the last glacier.  The glaciers of Glacier National Park have melted by 67 percent in the past hundred years. Unfortunately, temperatures in…

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