China may not be leading the world in climate change policy, but, er, neither is the U.S. China’s emissions grew 75 percent in the five years from 2002 to 2007 and in 2010 their emissions grew 10.4%, even with the world-wide recession. Now China proposed emissions cap is getting closer to approval and they have…
New photovoltaic technology first reported almost a year ago is emerging that is nearly five times more efficient than current technology. It uses silicon, like normal crystalline cells, but a unique fabrication process uses only about 2% of the amount of silicon that normal cells use and the material is created in a flexible film….
In the thousands of scientific papers on climate change that I have reviewed, most of the results talk about how lab tests sequestered far more carbon than imagined; about how the new techniques have been “scaled up” to mass production capacity and shown to be valid. The cost analyses show what at first would seem…
How do we curb emissions with the way our society has evolved? Really. I mean serious curbing; enough to prevent dangerous climate change? When considering the answer, dangerous climate change must be clearly defined. So, what exactly is dangerous climate change? Read More — First published on the Rag Blog
Do you realize that ocean primary productivity has declined 40% since 1950? Or that, this year’s coral bleaching was worse than during the super El Nino of ’98? Or that, the Arctic was declared functionally ice free last summer for the first time in 14 million years? Read More — First published on the Rag…
The science has changed again. This time, things are really upside down. How are we supposed to know which target to shoot? We live, we learn. Science goes on, especially climate science. There is an extreme need for more knowledge about our climate. This has been obvious to the climate scientists for years. The titles in…
Mining Carbon from the Sky–50 ppm for $10 Trillion. We can’t afford $10 trillion you say? What were we doing in Iraq then? 50 ppm for $10 trillion Hansen 350, Democracy Now – 8 years of bush, Iraq Afgahnistan, bailouts $200 per ton is $20 trillion, $100 per ton is $10 trillion (79, 80)…
February 20, 2009 One month of Obama and no cap and trade, no carbon tax, nothing but a stimulus plan worth nearly $720 billion in carbon dioxidego here: Climate Ark This is a climate news portal from Australia. Remember Australia? They were the last of two nations on the entire Earth to sign Kyoto. The…
Dr. James Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the premier US climate modeling agency, Testified before a British court on Friday that no new coal fired power plants should be constructed that do not capture and store carbon dioxide, and that all non carbon dioxide capturing power plants should be closed…