A Duke University-led team of climate scientists has looked at 60 years of U.S. and European weather and climate data and found the Bermuda High has increased in intensity. Their finding have shown that this, in-turn, has led to an increase in the intensity of the weather extremes in the southeastern U.S. The Bermuda High,…

The science has changed again. This time, things are really upside down. How are we supposed to know which target to shoot? We live, we learn. Science goes on, especially climate science. There is an extreme need for more knowledge about our climate. This has been obvious to the climate scientists for years. The titles in…
American Meteorological Society The certainty that climate scientists have about climate changes becomes greater every day. Yet, the portion of the public that agrees with the principles of man-caused climate change, or the risks faced, or the speed with which our climate is changing, or even the understanding of the certainty of the scientists themselves,…
"In Russia, the wildfires are believed caused by a warming climate that made the current summer the hottest on record. The hotter weather increases the incidence of lightning, the major cause of naturally occurring biomass burning. Soja said she hopes the wildfires in Russia prompt the country to support efforts to mitigate climate change….
Freshwater is flowing into Earth’s ocean in greater amounts every year, thanks to more frequent and extreme storms related to global warming, according to a first-of-its-kind study by a team of NASA and university researchers. "In general, more water is good," Famiglietti said. "But here’s the problem: Not everybody is getting more rainfall, and those…
A few out there would have us believe that Arctic sea ice has rebounded since 2007 and that climate change is something other than what it is. In the real world, what little is left of Arctic sea ice is so rotten and weak that it is no functional impediment to shipping – leaving the…
This article in the journal Nature Geoscience looked at CO2 changes from the last 610,000 years as told in the bubbles of trapped air in Antarctic ice cores. It is a well known part of climate science that states that CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere differ based on the climate. CO2 levels are lower on…
October 4, 2010 "An unparalleled heat wave in eastern Europe, coupled with intense droughts and fires around Moscow, put Earth’s temperatures in the headlines this summer. Likewise, a string of exceptionally warm days in July in the eastern United States strained power grids, forced nursing home evacuations, and slowed transit systems. Both high-profile events…
October 1, 2010 Phenomenal Ice Show – NASAs Ice Viewer From Greenland to Antarctica, these videos and still photo comparisons show climate change in action. http://climate.nasa.gov/GlobalIceViewer/index.cfm
I just returned from a 7,500 mile trip to witness the the greatest insect infestation anywhere in recorded history. This is an ongoing project of mine, and will be my third film drawing public attention to this extreme climate change impact. My Scientific Basis for this years film is here: http://www.meltonengineering.com/North%20America%27s%20Mountain%20Pine%20Beetle%20Pandemic%20February%202011color.pdf
The scientists who made the discoveries concerning these sea creatures made this assertion, not me – "Near future West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse." It could happen in a few years, a few decades, or a century or more, but unless we get our collective climate change mitigation acts together, it will happen. It has likely…
Primary productivity is phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are the bottom of the food chain. All life in the oceans depends on phytoplankton. They sequester tremendous amounts of carbon in the form of calcium carbonate in their tiny little shells. Primary productivity in our oceans is also responsible for the generation of half of the oxygen in our…
Mining Carbon from the Sky–50 ppm for $10 Trillion. We can’t afford $10 trillion you say? What were we doing in Iraq then? 50 ppm for $10 trillion Hansen 350, Democracy Now – 8 years of bush, Iraq Afgahnistan, bailouts http://www.democracynow.org/2008/12/22/linda_bilmes_the_10_trillion_hangover $200 per ton is $20 trillion, $100 per ton is $10 trillion (79, 80)…
August 14, 2010 Benoit Thibodeau and his team have a new study of foraminifera from the St. Lawrence Estuary in Canada. One of what is certainly hundreds, and possibly thousands of studies of this most common of ocean temperature proxies. This one just looked at a thousand years of history, but found that this location…
It has been 25 years and four months since the globally averaged monthly temperature was below the 20th century average. The last time the monthly temperature was below average was February 1985. NOAA National Climatic Data Center, Global June Analysis 2010
July 20, 2010 Expert credibility in climate change, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, April 2010 – Almost 98% of Climate Scientists Support IPCC’s Platform of Anthropogenic Climate Change AND, Contrarian Experts are by no Means "Experts" Abstract: Although preliminary estimates from published literature and expert surveys suggest striking agreement among climate scientists on…

July 19 , 2010 – will happen this year. Worse than 1997-98 during the big Super El Nino, only this year – El Nino ended last spring. But that has not stopped global ocean waters from being hot enough to boil coral. It happens when average water temperatures during the summer months warm one…
NOAA reports that June, April to June, and the Year-to-Date Global Temperatures are the warmest on Record. Last month’s combined global land and ocean surface temperature made it the warmest June on record and the warmest on record averaged for any April-June and January-June periods. Arctic sea ice covered was 10.6 percent below the 1979-2000…
From a Grist post: " . . . The Muir investigation is the third independent evaluation in Great Britain to confirm the credibility of the scientists and accuracy of the science discussed in the stolen emails and posted online on November 20. The conclusions of the Muir panel, moreover, come less than a week after…
One of the authors of this study says: "Frankly, I was expecting that we’d see large temperature increases later this century with higher greenhouse gas levels and global warming . . . I did not expect to see anything this large within the next three decades. This was definitely a surprise." The IPCC "likely" scenario…