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Missing Warming Found, Part 3

By Myths, Temperature

From the Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences, one of the largest scientific institutes in southern Europe, the French National Meteorological Service and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (Catalonia is basically one of the 17 states in Spain). The predominant part of the “global warming has stopped myth” is based on the concept…

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Global Warming has Stopped Myth Continued

By Myths, Uncategorized

This is an easy sit-down-and-shut-up explanation for the global warming has stopped myth.  In 1998 we had an extraordinary Super El Nino unsurpassed in the modern temperature record that broke the the previous record by 33 percent. This record was almost twice the previous largest jump since climate change impacts began (1981, 21%).  This massive…

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Calling all earthlings: Climate change communications may as well be from aliens, by Bruce Melton

By in-depth and Popular Press, Messaging, Psycho, Solutions

Relative to most of the 20th century, Austin’s January highs and lows were not 2.9 and 1.4 degrees above normal, but 9.9 and 10.4 degrees above normal! (First published on The Rag Blog, April 25, 2013. ) AUSTIN — Average temperatures have risen rapidly at the Austin reporting station since the turn of the…

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Argues Lord Stern …

By Solutions, Uncategorized

“Climate change looks far more threatening than it did six years ago” said Lord Nicholas Stern, a professor of economics and chairman of the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics. Stern, Chief economist for the Blair administration in the UK, World Bank Chief Economist, and author of the single most exhaustive evaluation…

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Dangerous Record Ozone Hole Reporting

By Ozone Hole

Recent reports of a record low ozone hole are everywhere. I cannot think of a word more appropriate for these reports except “bogus.” Some of the headlines say “lowest in 20 years” and some of the reporting makes this distinction, but do they tell you that before 1979 there was no ozone hole and today…

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