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Brief: Tipping Initiation, Restoration Reverses Some Sea Level Rise, Beach Disintegration, Limit to Sea Level Rise Adaptation

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, Beach Report, Beaches coastal, climate restoration, Earth systems, Emissions flip, feedback, Tipping, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Brief Report: Climate Tipping, Earth Systems Collapse Initiation, Climate Restoration Reverses Some Sea Level Rise, and the Barrier Island Disintegration Threshold, Limit to Sea Level Rise Adaptation A brief discussion with summarized academic findings. Climate Tipping, Earth Systems Collapse Initiation Greenland and Antarctica have seen their tipping activated. This does not mean they have passed…

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Chihuahuan Desert Walkabout – Desert Mortality from Climate Change

By Abrupt changes, Drought, evolutionary boundaries, Extreme Weather, forest health, Forest Mortality, Heat, Impacts, The Unexpected, Vegetation Response

Ocotillo mortality, Big Bend Ranch State Park, Three Dike Hill. The ocotillo in the foreground  succumbed to bark beetles last season. Many more are in the frame, just hard to tell! It’s the desert ~ ~ ~ Chihuahuan Desert Walkabout – Desert Mortality from Climate Change By Bruce Melton We just returned from filming more…

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Faster than forecast, climate impacts trigger tipping points in the Earth system

By Abrupt changes, Climate Catastrophes, climate emergency, Earth systems, Emissions flip, evolutionary boundaries, feedback, Impacts, Point of No Return, Scenarios, The Unexpected, Tipping

Permafrost collapse, Glenn Highway, Alaska. Though permafrost has been thawing slightly since the end of the Little Ice Age, the rate of thaw today is so great that in combination with Amazon collapse and collapse of Canadian forests, natural feedback emissions rival all of transportation globally. Faster than forecast, climate impacts trigger tipping points in…

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Failed Legacy Climate Strategy – IPCC 2023 Synthesis Report Review

By Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Legacy Policy, Myths, Point of No Return, politics, Reports, Scenarios, Tipping
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  Synthesis Report 2023, AR6 Failed Legacy Climate Strategy - IPCC 2023 Synthesis Report Review by Bruce Melton First published in the Austin Sierran on April 7, 2023 Summary: IPCC says climate  change is worse, but they do not recognize tipping activation. The say emissions reductions and carbon dioxide removal must be...
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Hansen’s Latest: 10 Degrees C (18 F) Warming in the Pipeline

By Abrupt changes, climate emergency, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, modeling, Sensitivity, Temperature

With magical zero emissions tomorrow, equilibrium warming in the pipeline is now 10 degrees C (18 F) in several centuries and 6 to 7 C  (11 to 13 F) in 100 years. 10 Degrees C Equilibrium Warming James Hansen is the former 32 year director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the de…

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NOAA Research in the Stratosphere is Taking Off

By aerosols, climate emergency, Earth systems, Emissions flip, Engineering, Forest Mortality, geoengineering, Point of No Return, Solutions, Strategy, Tipping

NOAA Research in the Stratosphere is Taking Off March 3, 2023, NOAA (Article updated April 2024: The year 2023 experienced a remarkably unprecedented jump in global temperature that has now exceeded the dangerous 1.5 Degrees C threshold. (See here) Enduring this amount of warming for long, likely no more than a couple to several decades,…

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Risky Feedbacks – Not In Models; Understated Solutions

By Abrupt changes, Arctic Sea Ice, Arctic warming, Climate Catastrophes, climate emergency, Climate Policy, climate restoration, climate solutions, Earth systems, Extreme Weather, feedback, Impacts, Scenarios, Solutions, Tipping

Risky Feedbacks – Not In Models; Understated Solutions Feedbacks are best understood by example. Austin’s 2023 ice storm that caused massive tree damage and excessive power outages was caused by a feedback. The ice storm stalled in a classic climate change-caused effect, creating a longer ice accumulation time than in our old climate. This additional…

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Glacier Retreat, the Little Ice Age and Climate Change

By Glaciers, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, The Unexpected,
Cover Description: The Kennicott Glacier, Wrangle St. Elias National Park and Preserve, southeast Alaska. The broad and undulating gravel bed that stretches across the valley floor is actually the four mile-wide Kennicott Glacier, a dirt glacier as John Muir labelled such in southeast Alaska in 1879. The gravel layer rides atop the glacier from rockfalls...
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