Background: Permafrost Collapse is Underway With Emission Plausibly Rivaling All of Global Transportation… Across the Northern Hemisphere, permafrost collapse emitted 630 TgC, or 2.3 gigatons (Gt) CO2 (not including methane) on average every year from 2003 to 2017 as per findings from Natali et al., 2019, that tells us, “We estimate a contemporary loss of…
Rag Radio Podcast July 3, 2020 Environmental Researcher & Activist Bruce Melton On Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer, Syndicated on Pacifica Melton talks with Rag Radio host Thorne Dreyer about ongoing massive permafrost collapse and the science showing the Covid-19 origina debate is ongoing, with compelling findings on pathogen reanimation from permafrost and long-held hypotheses…
Covid-19, climate change, and permafrost collapse… …and our new, abruptly evolving culture. By Bruce Melton First Published on The Rag Blog on July 7, 2020 ADDITION, JUNE 11, 2021 — Laboratory Origin — In the original article the citation for the academic review citing the virus was “definitively” not of laboratory origin was not included….
Climate Change Across America An Epic Film Four Years in The Making 16,000 Miles From Texas to the Arctic Ocean Below is a taste of what we were up to in 2018 as an ongoing update to the bigger Climate Change Across America film project. So far we have 43,000 miles of production in the…
Alaskan Permafrost Flipped from Carbon Sink to Carbon Source Because of Permafrost Melt Climate Change is here. Alaskan permafrost is now emitting more greenhouse gases than it is storing according to work from Harvard, the Dublin Institute of Technology, Universities of Alaska, Colorado at Boulder, California at Irvine, NOAA and others in this powerhouse paper….
Warm Atlantic water is invading the Arctic Ocean in a novel way. It is “Atlantifying” the Polar Sea. The results are that ice loss in the Arctic to the north of Siberia is likely enhanced. This “invasion” has always been a known thing in the Western Arctic, but now it has shifted 1,000 miles east…
Melting permafrost changes mountainsides into dirt pudding . If your read my reporting on mega-tsunamis from March 13, 2011, you know that evidence of astronomically large landslides has been recorded in Hawaii and evidence exists around the world of similar events. The evidence shows tsunami debris 1,200 feet above sea level from the last interglacial…
Permafrost in the Arctic is melting fast. This paper by scientists from the National Snow and Ice Data Center and NOAA published a paper in February has some wild news. Where was the media in February? You know the sensationalistic alarmist ones? Me thinks that Murdoch has been talking to them, he owns many of…
New modeling of permafrost shows that the worst-case scenario will see almost as many greenhouse gases emitted because of melting permafrost than man has emitted since the beginning of time. The time frame for these emissions is two centuries (190 years.) In addition, wetlands area of the far north will decrease by 75%. One of…
From Lund University in the UK: “Impacts of climate change on snow, water, ice and permafrost in the Arctic,” was compiled by about 200 researchers for the Arctic Councils basis for their part of the IPCC 2014 report. The last five years in the Arctic have been the warmest five years since record keeping began…
Over millennia, cold, wet conditions have slowed the breakdown of plant material in the Arctic, and large quantities of carbon and nitrogen have built up in permanently frozen ground — termed permafrost. The depths of permafrost can be astonishing – up to six and seven thousand feet. much of the Arctic is underlain by between…
Part of Dr. Walters research involves winter time excursions to frozen over permafrost melt lakes to measure the trapped methane beneath the ice. She recently returned from her Siberia project and reported that the size of the melt lakes had increased five times in her two years absence. Make sure to see her research videos….
February 15, 2009 More from Fields Below – Astonishing news about Permafrost Catastrophic permafrost melt is one of the likely abrupt climate change feedback scenarios. Major permafrost melt has already happened and the melt rate is increasing rapidly. Hundreds of thousands of years of frozen, partially decomposed tundra is at risk of thawing. Scientists aren’t…
This is a classic example of a scientist, or in this case, a team of scientists, understating the obvious. It is a product of the industry of science, a product of the ultra conservative scientists themselves. What they have "discovered" are dramatic affects of melting permafrost in the Arctic. It appears that permafrost melt on…