(170 pages) Ecological thresholds occur when external factors, positive feedbacks, or nonlinear instabilities in a system cause changes to propagate in a domino-like fashion that is potentially irreversible. Atmospheric carbon dioxide has reached levels unprecedented in possibly the last 24 million years. CO2 concentrations have risen by 34%, mostly in the last several decades. Global…
Chris Field, Coordinating Chair of the Climate Impacts Working Group for the IPCC says: "We now have data showing that from 2000 to 2007, greenhouse gas emissions increased far more rapidly than we expected… In the fourth assessment, we looked at a very conservative range of climate outcomes, the fifth assessment should include futures with…
Among the things Hansen says must be done – moratorium on all coal fired power plants that do not sequester 100% of CO2, A complete analysis of the polar ice caps, a carbon tax instead of cap and trade. Hansen says: "Before the end of Obama’s first term, we will be seeing new record temperatures….
Another article about Antarctica warming a century ahead of the climate models predictions has been published. Red is significant warming, pink is slight warming. Even in East Antarctica, where the climate models said the heat would be slow to come even at the end of the century, there is now warming. In West Antarctica, its…
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world’s largest general scientific society, with nearly 120,000 individual and institutional members. They publish one of the top academic journals in the world: Science. Prof James McCarthy, president of the AAAS, stated on the eve of the annual meeting of the American Association for…
This is a classic example of a scientist, or in this case, a team of scientists, understating the obvious. It is a product of the industry of science, a product of the ultra conservative scientists themselves. What they have "discovered" are dramatic affects of melting permafrost in the Arctic. It appears that permafrost melt on…
US Geological Survey Report – U.S. Climate Change Science Program. Coastal Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise: A Focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region (784 pages) The last time that the planet was as warm it is today, sea level was 13 to 20 feet higher. The temperature of the planet will warm about another 2 degrees…
January 8, 2009 Heat waves as strong as 2003 when 30,000 died in Europe will occur every other year by the year 2030 says the Met UK Office, the United Kingdoms government climate modeling program. The Earth today is 0.2 degrees warmer than the 1990 to 1999 average and the warming will continue to accelerate. …
(784 pages) The last time that the planet was as warm it is today, sea level was 13 to 20 feet higher. The temperature of the planet will warm about another 2 degrees even if we were to stop emitting all CO2 tomorrow morning. It is likely that sea level will rise to these levels…
(170 pages) Ecological thresholds occur when external factors, positive feedbacks, or nonlinear instabilities in a system cause changes to propagate in a domino-like fashion that is potentially irreversible. Atmospheric carbon dioxide has reached levels unprecedented in possibly the last 24 million years. CO2 concentrations have risen by 34%, mostly in the last several decades. Global…
Last year was the 7th 8th or 9th warmest year ever recorded depending on whose data set you look at. 2008 was not the coolest year of the century, that was 2000. The last ten years by far represent the warmest decade in history and this period does not include 1998, the warmest year ever…
Senator Inhofe’s is still producing negative propaganda designed to obfuscate the public opinion on climate science. The Environment and Public Works Committee says 400 scientists say that climate change is not a problem. Real Climate has an analysis of Inhofe’s history here. The misunderstanding of the few remaining skeptics astounding given the amount of science…
James Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Space institute – the foremost US Government climate modeling agency – gave a presentation at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting in San Francisco last week (16,000 scientists attended the annual festivities). The rate of CO2 change today is 20,000 times higher than at any time in the…
1,000 scientists at the December 9 -12 International Arctic Change Conference in Quebec City Canada have sobering words for the world. the following is from the Conference Declaration: "Climate change and its impacts are accelerating at unexpected rates with global consequences. Scientific information presented has raised to new levels our concern regarding the changes that…
Makes Barack Obama has appointed a Nobel Laureate in Physics to head his Energy Team, Steve Chu, the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Senator John Kerry said that president-elect Obama would lead world in the negotiations of a successor agreement to Kyoto in the coming year. The BBC News had this to say about Kerry’s comments: The senator said that none of the numbers on the table – the EU’s 20% by 2020, the US return to 1990…
So pronounced by Lord Nicholas Stern, Chief economist and Senior Vice President of the World Bank, UK Economic Advisor And Chair at the London School of Economics and Political Science. (From the BBC) "Despite the looming prospect of a deep global recession, 43% of the 12,000 respondents of the survey chose climate change ahead of…
The left image shows Stroeve’s analysis of Arctic sea ice coverage through 2008. (2009 was a bit greater than 2008, but still 20% below average. (The last five years have seen the five lowest average ice extent years on record.) The image on the right is the IPCC 2007 model summary of Arctic sea ice…
(From the Guardian – one of Great Britain’s two national newspapers, founded in 1821) President Bush is decimating America’s environmental law. Two million acres of land in Utah, Wyoming and Colorado will be opened to development of oil shales, the dirtiest fuel on Earth. Coal-fired power plants will no longer be required to install pollution…
The planet is supposed to be reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, they have risen by 2.3 for the period 2000 to 2006. The UNFCCC cautions that emissions may be even worse now, noting that the statistics in the study are already nearly three years old. "UNFCCC expert review teams need two years to verify…