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Sea Level Rise: IPCC Averages, Extremes From Latest Publishing, and Ice Sheet Collapse

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Extreme Weather, global warming psychology, Gulf Stream, ice sheet, ice sheets, Impacts, Legacy Policy, Messaging, Negative emissions, Psycho, Sea Level Rise, Solutions, Strategy, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

It’s not the averages that are troublesome. The understating reporting of scientists, journalists and climate science consensus organizations is one of the most confounding parts of climate change today. It’s the extremes that matter, yet extremes are viewed as “uncertainty” in a way almost entirely related to written grammar, rather than the statistical uncertainty of when,…

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Climate Control Moon Shot: Do We Have the Technology Already?

By Abrupt changes, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, economics, Negative emissions, Psycho, Solutions, Strategy

We have entered the non-linearly increasing phase of climate change impacts. This is pretty much standard climate science that climate scientists said we would endure if we delayed action. Could they have imagined that we would delay for 20 years? What would they have said 20 years ago about what we should expect if the had…

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Critical Climate Time Frames: New Strategy is Needed

By Abrupt changes, alternatives, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, Negative emissions, Sea Level Rise, Solutions, Strategy

Scientists have been planning for how to implement a transformation to an alternative energy infrastructure for more than several years now. Jacobson 2013, represents years of effort and others have been doing the same. We know how to evolve our energy infrastructure, how long it will take, how much it will cost, and how efficient…

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What is Important and Why? A Zero-Warming Healthy Climate

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, economics, Emissions, Negative emissions, Solutions, Strategy

For 24 years we have been attempting to implement climate reform, but because strategies are complex, controversial and inequitable, we have nothing to show for this effort save a near-failing carbon credit program in the EU. By giving ourselves permission to seek zero warming, we go beyond the failed strategies of the past into a…

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NOAA — Ice Sheet Collapse in Our Time: Zero Warming Climate Solution

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, Climate Policy, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, ice sheets, in-depth and Popular Press, modeling, Negative emissions, Sea Level Rise, Solutions, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

We have delayed too long and now must urgently reduce the load of warming gases already emitted to our sky. We have been warned this would happen for decades, we just didn’t think it would happen so soon. This is exceedingly bad news, though the good news with climate change is very good indeed. The…

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Climate Change 2015: The Latest Science

By aerosols, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Gulf Stream, ice sheet, in-depth and Popular Press, Negative emissions, Solutions, submarine channel, underice, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

First published on Truthout December 26, 3015, by Bruce Melton. Climate science is way out in front of climate policy. Commitments at the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris pale in comparison to those from the Kyoto Protocol with its beginnings in the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The cheap and unambiguous solution of removing CO2…

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A Generation of Delay: Climate Policy Is 20 Years Behind

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Deniers and Delayers, in-depth and Popular Press, Negative emissions, Psycho, Solutions

First Published on Truthout, December 4, 2015 The perceived debate on climate change has discredited traditional climate science communications to such an extent that we are just now implementing policies developed during the Kyoto Protocol era that began in 1992. New climate science knowledge is simply not making it out of academia and into public…

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Legacy Climate Policy: The Scale of the Current Science and Need for DAC

By Climate Policy, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, in-depth and Popular Press, Myths, Negative emissions, Solutions, Uncategorized

In the run up to the Paris climate talks, current policy is far behind. Virtually unknown is science stating that the solutions to treating climate pollution are simple, cheap and radically change a generation of policy we are currently trying to implement. Legacy climate policy being enacted today, and proposed at the Paris climate talks is…

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Why Swapping Coal for Gas is Really Bad Policy

By Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Methane, Scenarios, Solutions

Coal definitely creates less net warming in the short-term because of aerosols. Aerosols pollution emitted from coal is basically smog. The sulfates in smog rom burning fossil fuels are global cooling pollutants. Coal has far more sulfate pollution than oil and oil has far more sulfates than natural gas. Though natural gas emits less CO2…

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Climate Change 2014: What Do We Do Now?

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, alternatives, Climate Policy, climate pollutants short-lived, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Negative emissions, Solutions,

First published on Truthout, December 26, 2014. As we move into 2015, the latest climate science continues to diverge from policy. New science tells us that, because of short-lived climate pollutants, current policies dealing with carbon dioxide pollution alone will likely produce more warming than doing nothing at all. Complete Article

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Why Climate Science Communication is so Poor and Next Steps

By Psycho, Solutions, What we can do

The new discipline of global warming psychology tells that clear and concise communications of climate science can no longer provide the public knowledge needed to advance climate pollution policy. In 2013 alone, 13,000 papers were published about “global climate change” or closely related topics. How scientists interact with the public however has changed very little,…

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Society’s Grand Challenge: Global Climate Change (American Psychological Society)

By Messaging, Psycho, Solutions

A 30 page booklet by the American Psychological Association that helps us understand how behavior is ultimately responsible for this climate pollution mess we are in. Whether it is from $7 billion in climate change counter-movement funding (link) or sheer laziness, the results are the same. This booklet can give insights into why it is…

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Political Movement Behind the Scenes on Climate Change

By Myths, politics, Solutions

From Al Gore’s Ezra Klien’s interview in the Washington Post on 8/21/13   Al Gore has a really important Climate Change Initiative that is gaining steam, participants and press. It is called the Climate Reality Project ( There are a few really important things that Al said about the politics of our climate future that…

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Calling all earthlings: Climate change communications may as well be from aliens, by Bruce Melton

By in-depth and Popular Press, Messaging, Psycho, Solutions

Relative to most of the 20th century, Austin’s January highs and lows were not 2.9 and 1.4 degrees above normal, but 9.9 and 10.4 degrees above normal! (First published on The Rag Blog, April 25, 2013. ) AUSTIN — Average temperatures have risen rapidly at the Austin reporting station since the turn of the…

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Argues Lord Stern …

By Solutions, Uncategorized

“Climate change looks far more threatening than it did six years ago” said Lord Nicholas Stern, a professor of economics and chairman of the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics. Stern, Chief economist for the Blair administration in the UK, World Bank Chief Economist, and author of the single most exhaustive evaluation…

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The Climate Change awareness drought is over Part Three: It’s only pollution

By alternatives, Climate Policy, Deniers and Delayers, in-depth and Popular Press, Myths, Solutions

For decades, the concept of installing privies in every house, business, and public building, and then piping human waste to a central treatment system, was perceived as lunacy that would bankrupt society. First published on the Rag Blog Part 3 of a three part series: Part 1: The Climate Awareness Drought is Over: Time to Change…

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Welcome to Climate Change Texas Part 1: What Can Be Done About Climate Change in Texas?

By Abrupt changes, Agriculture, alternatives, Climate Catastrophes, Deniers and Delayers, Drought, forest health, Forest Mortality, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, rainfall, Solutions

As I have been saying in the first two installments of this series, climate change is already much more extreme than most scientists have been predicting. This is mainly because the majority of predictions are based on the “most likely” emissions scenario and because we have not reduced our emissions like climate scientists told us…

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