“Climate change looks far more threatening than it did six years ago” said Lord Nicholas Stern, a professor of economics and chairman of the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics. Stern, Chief economist for the Blair administration in the UK, World Bank Chief Economist, and author of the single most exhaustive evaluation…
Have I got a couple of good ones for you tonight(?!) From the Australian National Institute of Science (CSIRO–Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) and the Dresden University of Technology in Germany; One’s opinion on climate change is not as common as one thinks. We tend to overestimate how many people have the same opinion…
I have been busy and let my posting fall behind. Not because of the Zombie Apocalypse—it’s not that bad yet, I have simply fallen behind because of: Three articles on Truthout (see below), my book printer has a new beautiful color printing process and lots of local advocacy work. I also have several other posts…
The most recent discoveries in climate science bear little resemblance to what we hear in the media. Greenland’s melt in 2012 for example has been widely advertised in the media as just another weather event, similar to many in the past. The adage that we cannot tell for sure if any single weather event was…
Welcome to climate change. It gets weirder every day. An old old friend saw a white-tail hawk in Manvel last week. Manvel is just south of Houston and is an uncommon sighting on the far northern edge of this Mexican bird’s normal territory. We have red bud trees blooming in Austin on the first day…
HMS Challenger Expedition gave us exceptional baseline data for 21st century ocean warming evaluation. Average global ocean temperature change is 0.59 degrees C. The Royal Society, University of Edinburgh and Mechiston Castle School sponsored the expedition around the globe to explore the deep oceans. Led by Captain George Nares, the expedition is credited with the…

The shift in awareness is very encouraging and seems quite likely to be more or less permanent because the number of unprecedented weather events will very likely continue to increase. First published on the Rag Blog Part 1 of a three part series: Part 1: The Climate Awareness Drought is Over: Time to Change the Tone…
I am talking about climate science business as usual. As in: classic conservative science. The scientists responsible for this report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences are stuck inside of their science as usual box. This a long a ridiculous debate where the “air capture” of CO2, in the world of industrial…
It is about time that the climate scientists have decided that it is appropriate to start blaming all of these ultra extreme weather events on climate change. The message is finally beginning to gain broad acceptance in academic circles. At the Annual American Meteorological Society meeting this year, Kevin Trenberth, one of a handful of…
We had 2.5 inches at the airport and an inch an a half in Oak Hill! The last time we had more than a nickel’s worth of rain in Oak Hill was the middle of June — four months ago!
The State Climatologist is little different from most climate scientists. I have one thing to say about climate scientists and State Climatologists: They can not say what they see coming, only what their data tell them. The conservative nature of science demands that scientific proclamation be robustly supported by long term data. This makes it…
This is a big one. The myth that volcanoes emit more CO2 than mankind is an old one, and old climate change myths die hard. The science concerning greenhouse gases and volcanoes is robust, yet a few stale papers continue to give the climate pretenders hope that it will all just be a bad dream…
Think Again! I have been reading articles about the impacts of warming on solid earth for years now. It is only logical to think that warming would have an impact on solid earth. Everything expands as it warms. Earth is no exception. This expansion would be realized, likely, at fault zones. These pre-cracked areas of…

January saw the lowest recorded sea ice extents in the Arctic and a hyperactive jet stream that just kept on pummeling the eastern half of the U.S. with one major winter storm after another. Oddly enough, some of the lowest Arctic sea ice concentrations were seen in areas closest to the U.S. in the Labrador…
From a Grist post: " . . . The Muir investigation is the third independent evaluation in Great Britain to confirm the credibility of the scientists and accuracy of the science discussed in the stolen emails and posted online on November 20. The conclusions of the Muir panel, moreover, come less than a week after…
Here is a hint that will help you to recognize climate contrarian propaganda. If a reporter, or a "scientist" for that matter, talks about the Arctic Ice Cap – feel free to ignore them – there is no such thing. You can be assured that what follows "Arctic Ice Cap" will be as much fiction…
"The evidence is hugely for there being substantial climate change due to man’s activities and if you want to argue against that case you have to produce some evidence… I don’t see that evidence, I see lots of assertion but it’s not backed up. It’s very dangerous and like playing Russian roulette with the planet……
The authors make it clear that 2008 was a year that reflected strong cooling across North America but not unusual in the least, at least from a climatological standpoint. Many people out there, including many weather people on television seem to think there is something special about the relatively cold temperatures that we are having….
I keep telling all my friends, I don’t make this stuff up. It has deadly serious implications for global society and the continuance of Earth’s environment, and lately, it seems to be coming at us from all sides – just as the popular media has seemingly lost nearly 100% of its attention span. The above…
August 24, 2008 Arctic Sea Ice: The trend is ominous. The albedo feedback is strong (Ice reflects 90% of the sun’s heat, water absorbs 90% – water absorbs nine times more heat than ice). Last year’s huge record allowed only first year sea ice to form last winter. This year’s ice is now rapidly melting….