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Climate Culture

The Warming Rate for the Last Two Years Has Been 25 Times the Warming Rate of the Last 150 Years

By Abrupt changes, aerosols, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, climate emergency, climate pollutants short-lived, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Earth systems, Emissions flip, feedback, geoengineering, Legacy Policy, Negative emissions, Point of No Return, Scenarios, Sea Level Rise, Solutions, Temperature, The Unexpected, Tipping, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Image: Yale Climate Connections The Warming Rate for the Last Two Years Has Been 25 Times the Warming Rate of the Last 150 Years A review of Hansen 2025. In the last two years, Earth has warmed 0.4 degrees C, compared to 1.2 degrees C warming in the previous 100 years. This warming rate is…

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It’s not the heat, it’s the warming beyond evolutionary boundaries.

By Abrupt changes, Climate Culture, climate emergency, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, evolutionary boundaries, Extreme Weather, feedback, Flooding, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, Legacy Policy, Negative emissions, Point of No Return, Scenarios, Shifting Ecology, Solutions, The Unexpected, Tipping, Winter Weather

It’s not the heat, it’s the warming beyond evolutionary boundaries. Bruce Melton First published as an abridge version on The Rag Blog, as a part of an-in-depth radio interview on the Rag Radio syndicated on Pacifica on 7/21/2023 There’s a quote that has been around forever, variously worded and attributed to many. The origin…

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Failed Legacy Climate Strategy – IPCC 2023 Synthesis Report Review

By Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Legacy Policy, Myths, Point of No Return, politics, Reports, Scenarios, Tipping
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  Synthesis Report 2023, AR6 Failed Legacy Climate Strategy - IPCC 2023 Synthesis Report Review by Bruce Melton First published in the Austin Sierran on April 7, 2023 Summary: IPCC says climate  change is worse, but they do not recognize tipping activation. The say emissions reductions and carbon dioxide removal must be...
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When Normals Are Not Normal: The National Weather Service Is Unwittingly Obscuring the Reality of Global Warming

By Climate Culture, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, global warming psychology, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, Legacy Policy, Messaging, Myths, Strategy, Temperature, The Unexpected,, What we can do

When Normals Are Not Normal The National Weather Service Is Unwittingly Obscuring the Reality of Global Warming by Bruce Melton PE See the abridged version on, July 17, 2022 In-depth references are below the article. Summary: The National Weather Service has a periodic procedure where they recalculate the “normal” climate data presented to the…

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Like an Avalanche – Extremes Beyond our Earth’s Systems’ Evolution

By Abrupt changes, Climate Culture, climate emergency, Climate Reform, climate restoration, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Earth systems, Emissions flip, Extreme Weather, Impacts, Negative emissions, Scenarios

Onion Creek Flood 2013, US 183 bridge, Austin, Texas – new record flood depth. Climate change has returned to the news in full force with the Council of Parties meeting COP26, the 197 nation meeting of the United Federation Convention on Climate Change. What will come from the meeting is hopefully a more aggressive agreement…

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Climate Change – Where do we move?

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, alternatives, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, climate emergency, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Earth systems, Emissions flip, Extreme Weather, feedback, migration, Negative emissions, Scenarios, The Unexpected, What we can do

“Where do we move?” Retirees want to know where  they can escape climate change impacts. Those seeking to give their kids the best life they can want to know. The folks from where I live in Austin want to get out of this infernal heat that has come to dominate our lives with 100-degree days…

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New Media Bias: Climate Change Contrarians Preferred in Media, Shaping Policy AND Science

By Climate Culture, global warming psychology, Messaging, Myths, Psycho, Reports

Oaks killed by drought near Visalia, California. Media Disproportionately Publishes Climate Change Contrarian’s Positions “Climate Change is a Wicked multidimensional problem,” say the authors of this research  from Nature Communications on the disparity between publishing of articles on climate science vs. climate antiscience in the media. The motivation of this study was, “to provide insights…

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First Climate Report from EPA in Four Years: No Thanks to Denier in Chief trump

By Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Deniers and Delayers, Earth systems, Impacts, Myths, politics, summary, Trump

First Climate Report from EPA in Four Years: No Thanks to Denier in Chief For the first time since the Climate Change Denier in Chief was “elected” in 2016, when he shut down climate science at the US Federal Government, the Environmental Protection Agency has updated their climate change indicator data website. The last four…

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Google Identifies Major Climate Denier Organizations

By climate change counter movement, Climate Culture, climate emergency, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, Deniers and Delayers, Messaging, Myths, politics, Psycho, Solutions

(Editors Note: April Fools! And Thank You Extinction Rebellion! Though you nailed me and I had to come back to this post and add this prebuttal, good job. We can only hope Google and others like them will take the lead and discredit where discreditation is due!)   In an excellent move, Google is ceasing…

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The Climate Emergency Has Already Begun as Earth Systems Collapse

By Abrupt changes, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, climate emergency, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Earth systems, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, Negative emissions, Solutions

The Climate Emergency Has Already Begun as Earth Systems Collapse by Bruce Melton First published on Truthout on December 7, 2019 More than 11,000 scientists across 153 countries are shouting out a new climate change warning. The delay for action has been too long. Addressing our rapidly degrading and already overly dangerous climate is now officially an emergency….

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Climate Science Compromise Feedback Loop and Unrecoverable Impacts

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, Beaches coastal, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, Deniers and Delayers, feedback, global warming psychology, Healthy Climate, ice sheet, Impacts, Legacy Policy, Messaging, modeling, politics, Psycho, Sea Level Rise, The Unexpected, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Why are climate change impacts so much worse than projected? What does it mean? Why don’t we do something? In a nutshell, science is conservative, it’s slow, and the great climate consensus that has evolved to protect our society compounds the understating nature of the industry of science. This creates a vastly understating public facing message. …

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Climate Change 2018 Review: The Good and Bad, What Have We Learned? Part 2 – The Good!

By alternatives, Batteries, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, economics, global warming psychology, in-depth and Popular Press, Negative emissions, Solutions, Strategy

Climate Change 2018 Review:  Part 2 – The Good! by Bruce Melton Climate Change Now Initiative, 501c3 (Link to Article) So much happened in our climate change world in 2018 that we are printing this article in two parts: The Bad, and The Good. We started with the bad. If you missed Part 1, you…

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California Wildfires: Where Is the Climate Change Outrage?

By Abrupt changes, Climate Catastrophes, climate change counter movement, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, Extreme Weather, Fire, Impacts,

    California Wildfires: Where Is the Climate Change Outrage?   Bruce Melton First published at November 17, 2018 Unprecedented droughts, fires and floods are not the “new normal”: Climate change gets nonlinearly worse from here on out. Like an avalanche, the physics of warming determines that a little more warming doesn’t create a…

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False Balance in the Media Reduces Climate Science Credibility, Oxford English Dictionary

By Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, Impacts, Messaging, Myths, politics, Psycho, Strategy, Trump, Uncategorized, What we can do

False Balance in the Media Reduces Climate Science Credibility, Oxford English Dictionary “Journalists have struggled historically to apply the notion of balance to the reporting of climate change science, because even though the overwhelming majority of the world’s experts agree that human-driven climate change is real and will have major future impacts, a minority of scientists dispute this consensus….

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The 45Q Carbon Sequestration Tax Credits: First Steps or Moral Hazard?

By Abrupt changes, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, economics, Healthy Climate, Legacy Policy, Negative emissions, politics, Solutions, Strategy, What we can do

  The 45Q Carbon Sequestration Tax Credits: First Steps or Moral Hazard? Summary: The new enhancements to Obama’s 45Q carbon dioxide sequestration tax credits are widely seen as a boon to the oil industry. A deeper look reveals they could be the incentive that allows us to actually reverse warming, something that most people understand…

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Simple Solution to Climate Pollution

By Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Healthy Climate, Legacy Policy, Negative emissions, Solutions, Strategy, What we can do

Simple Solution to Climate Pollution A must read: “Lackner and Jospe, Climate Change is a Waste Management Problem, Issues in Science and Technology, June 2017.” Times have changed. Delay has created a new climate that requires new strategies. The following is a summary of this must read article. Summary of “Climate Change is a Waste Management…

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A Healthy Climate: Isn’t This the Goal?

By Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, Emissions Scenarios, Healthy Climate, Legacy Policy, Messaging, Negative emissions, politics, Psycho, Solutions, Strategy

Most of us think a healthy climate will result from emissions reductions. Time and again however, the science says this is not so. The reason? Emissions reduction strategies are about 30 years old and we have emitted as much climate pollution in about the last 30 years as we emitted in the previous 200 years….

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Global Environmental Sustainability and a Healthy Climate: Climate Policy 2.0

By adaptation, alternatives, Climate Catastrophes, climate change counter movement, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Deniers and Delayers, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Extreme Weather, global warming psychology, Healthy Climate, Impacts, Legacy Policy, Messaging, Negative emissions, politics, Psycho, Scenarios, Solutions, Strategy, What we can do

  Global Environmental Sustainability and a Healthy Climate: Climate Policy 2.0 We all want a healthy climate and assume that emissions reductions will give us this healthy climate, but emissions reductions alone allow triple to quintuple the warming we have already seen. Today, the public and policy makers –almost completely– believe emissions reductions strategies can…

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