First Published on Truthout, December 4, 2015 The perceived debate on climate change has discredited traditional climate science communications to such an extent that we are just now implementing policies developed during the Kyoto Protocol era that began in 1992. New climate science knowledge is simply not making it out of academia and into public…
(See more on the Drexel/Stanford research on the climate change counter-movement here.) Merchants of Doubt, A film by Sony Pictures and Robert KennerAustin Premiere and Lecture by Bruce Melton PE Inspired by the acclaimed book by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, MERCHANTS OF DOUBT takes audiences on a satirically comedic, yet illuminating ride into the…
Not an April Fools joke! Warren Business Consulting, Oil and Gas industry specialists, have come out with a climate change poll that not what one would think it is. 474 oil and gas industry insiders completed the poll where 85 percent believe global warming was happening and 58 percent were either very sure or extremely…
Bolsen, Druckman and Cook have summarized the emerging discipline of global warming psychology rather well with this paper. Scientists and policy makers are more likely to believe than the public and more likely to believe that warming is caused by man. There is political influence in what liberals and conservatives believe about the existence of…
Itzcuauhtli (Eat-Squat-Lee) is an 11 year old indigenous eco hip-hop activist who went on a 45 day silence strike to draw awareness to climate change. This child’s action is extraordinarily selfless and I have something important to relate that is highly relevant. One of my climate science colleagues and I were talking about how…
First published on the Rag Blog, August 5, 2014 The future is bright and breezy, not black and dirty. Whatever is going on with Austin Energy misses some very important and fundamental news. AUSTIN — Really? Austin Energy is against alternative energy? A report in the Austin American Statesman on Friday, August 1, says just…
Have you ever been incensed by a Facebook post citing some authoritative sounding person proclaiming yet again that climate science is all smoke and mirrors? Or have you ever been flummoxed in an email discussion about climate change where up is down, black is white and all of science is stood on its head? Where…
From Drexel and Stanford Universities: “The climate change counter-movement has had a real political and ecological impact on the failure of the world to act on the issue of global warming … Like a play on Broadway, the counter-movement has stars in the spotlight – often prominent contrarian scientists or conservative politicians – but behind…
The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works heard climate testimony as to whether or not climate change was real. Conservatives on the committee continued to use their tried and true talking points from the smoking, acid rain, and ozone depleting chemical controversies: that the science is not clear, the cause is not certain,…
Arctic Amplification means more energy in the Arctic. It’s warmer there now so there is more energy there. The “amplification” part of Arctic Amplification refers to how the Arctic, which is warming at twice or more the rate of the rest of the world, reacts with the rest of world. The global air currents that…
AUSTIN, Texas – The Rag Blog August 15, 2013: The science is certain, but the deniers are just as certain that their pseudo science is certain. Getting the last few deniers to agree with 97 percent of climate scientists though — is that a good use of resources? We have the vast majority of the…
For decades, the concept of installing privies in every house, business, and public building, and then piping human waste to a central treatment system, was perceived as lunacy that would bankrupt society. First published on the Rag Blog Part 3 of a three part series: Part 1: The Climate Awareness Drought is Over: Time to Change…
Which side is biased and how do we tell with all the noise in the media? First published on the Rag Blog Part 2 of a three part series: Part 1: The Climate Awareness Drought is Over: Time to Change the Tone Part 2: The Climate Change awareness drought is over Part Two: Voices tell us ‘the warmists…
The shift in awareness is very encouraging and seems quite likely to be more or less permanent because the number of unprecedented weather events will very likely continue to increase. First published on the Rag Blog Part 1 of a three part series: Part 1: The Climate Awareness Drought is Over: Time to Change the Tone…
(This article is an expansion of and provides technical backup for Bruce Melton’s three-part series, “Welcome to Climate Change in Texas,” published in December 2011 and January 2012 on The Rag Blog.) Read More — Extra: Welcome to Climate Change Texas: The Worst-Case Scenario is Happening (expansion and backup) Part…
The Texas Forest Service tells us that a half billion trees have died. The first of this series of droughts in 2005/6 was just classified as extreme. The last two have been one category worse than extreme — the exceptional category. The last 12 months were drier than the worst 12 months of the great…
As I have been saying in the first two installments of this series, climate change is already much more extreme than most scientists have been predicting. This is mainly because the majority of predictions are based on the “most likely” emissions scenario and because we have not reduced our emissions like climate scientists told us…
An article in Science, published by the good folks at the Smithsonian, reports that 56 million years ago when Earth was 3 to 5 degrees C warmer durign a freak super abrupt climate change called the Eocene / Paleocene Thermal Maximum; in 10,000 years, CO2 doubled. The reuslting warming lasted for 200,000 years. The best…
Professor Rich Mueller’s The Current Status of Climate Change – A Non-Partisan Analysis, has done what hundreds of others have in the last several decades — confirmed the facts of climate science. Will it make a difference? Personally, I don’t believe so. The greed and selfishness portrayed by those who have created the propaganda is…
American Meteorological Society The certainty that climate scientists have about climate changes becomes greater every day. Yet, the portion of the public that agrees with the principles of man-caused climate change, or the risks faced, or the speed with which our climate is changing, or even the understanding of the certainty of the scientists themselves,…