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climate change

Rag Radio Podcast: Environmental Researcher & Activist Bruce Melton – Covid and Climate Change

By Gigs and Presentations, Podcasts

Thorne Dreyer’s guest is environmental researcher and activist Bruce Melton. Bruce, a longtime contributor to The Rag Blog and frequent guest on Rag Radio, is a professional engineer, filmmaker, author, and CEO of the Climate Change Now Initiative, the oldest independent climate science education organization in the world, founded in 2005. On the show Melton…

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Tipping Points Are Active: Fundamentals of the Climate Emergency, Austin Sierra Club Climate Change Committee,

By Gigs and Presentations

More than half of known climate tipping points or Earth systems, are currently active. They complete without further warming, 45 percent have dynamic feedbacks that enhance extremeness and speed the collapses of other tipping systems, and most are irreversible upon completion of their activations. We don’t exactly know when their activations will complete, and some…

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COVID-19: The tale of two graphs – Be careful what you see and believe.

By Arctic Flip, Arctic warming, Emissions flip, feedback, Methane, Permafrost, Permafrost melt, The Unexpected

COVID-19: The tale of two graphs – Be careful what you see and believe. by Bruce Melton First Published on the Rag Blog, April 20, 2020 In my work as a professional engineer, as an environmental researcher, and now as the director of the oldest independent climate science education organization in the world, I understand…

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Scientific American on Understating Climate Science – Very Important

By Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate solutions, Deniers and Delayers, global warming psychology, Impacts, Legacy Policy, politics, Psycho

Four giant sequoias killed or mostly killed by climate change-caused wildfire. Sequoia National Monument, Black Mountain Grove, Pier Fire 2017. Sequoias don’t normal die in wildfire. When our climate has changed enough to cause sequoias to die, from overly extreme fires caused by unprecedented low fuel moisture, it’s caused by climate change, not enhanced. Broad…

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Paradise California: 14,000 Simultaneous Climate Change Catastrophes – The Camp Fire 2018

By Abrupt changes, Extreme Weather, Fire, Impacts, Photo Tour, The Unexpected

The depths of the Paradise Fire on November 8, 2018 are yet unknown. 14,000 homes were destroyed in four hours along with another 5,000 businesses and commercial structures. Recovery appears to be strong, debris are about half removed, but reconstruction as yet has little obvious momentum. 14,000 Simultaneous Catastrophes: Climate Change in Paradise California, the…

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Permafrost Melt Photo Tour 2018

By Abrupt changes, feedback, forest health, Forest Mortality, Impacts, Methane, Permafrost

Permafrost Melt Photo Tour Climate Change Across America 2018 Field Work Already, Alaska has flipped from a carbon sink to a carbon source from permafrost melt and methane emissions. (Commane 2017, science interpreted) Alaska — the entire state, and likely the rest of the north across the entire world —  is now emitting greenhouse gases…

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Climate Science Compromise Feedback Loop and Unrecoverable Impacts

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, Beaches coastal, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, Deniers and Delayers, feedback, global warming psychology, Healthy Climate, ice sheet, Impacts, Legacy Policy, Messaging, modeling, politics, Psycho, Sea Level Rise, The Unexpected, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Why are climate change impacts so much worse than projected? What does it mean? Why don’t we do something? In a nutshell, science is conservative, it’s slow, and the great climate consensus that has evolved to protect our society compounds the understating nature of the industry of science. This creates a vastly understating public facing message. …

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Climate Change 2018 Review: The Good and Bad, What Have We Learned? Part 2 – The Good!

By alternatives, Batteries, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, economics, global warming psychology, in-depth and Popular Press, Negative emissions, Solutions, Strategy

Climate Change 2018 Review:  Part 2 – The Good! by Bruce Melton Climate Change Now Initiative, 501c3 (Link to Article) So much happened in our climate change world in 2018 that we are printing this article in two parts: The Bad, and The Good. We started with the bad. If you missed Part 1, you…

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Climate Change 2018 Review: The Good and Bad, What Have We Learned?

By Abrupt changes, adaptation, Agriculture, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Policy, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Extreme Weather, Fire, flood, forest health, Forest Mortality, Healthy Climate, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, Negative emissions, Permafrost, pine beetle, politics, Reports, Scenarios, Solutions, Trump, Uncategorized

Climate Change 2018 Review:  Part 1 – The Bad  by Bruce Melton Climate Change Now Initiative, 501c3 (Link to Article) So much happened in our climate change world in 2018 that we are printing this article in two parts: The Bad, and The Good. We start with the bad, and as bad as it was…

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False Balance in the Media Reduces Climate Science Credibility, Oxford English Dictionary

By Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, Impacts, Messaging, Myths, politics, Psycho, Strategy, Trump, Uncategorized, What we can do

False Balance in the Media Reduces Climate Science Credibility, Oxford English Dictionary “Journalists have struggled historically to apply the notion of balance to the reporting of climate change science, because even though the overwhelming majority of the world’s experts agree that human-driven climate change is real and will have major future impacts, a minority of scientists dispute this consensus….

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Trump’s Climate Science: EPA’s Latest Muzzle

By Climate Policy, Climate Reform, Deniers and Delayers, Myths, politics, Trump

Trump’s Climate Science: EPA’s Latest Muzzle The latest is this memo (below) to the EPA requiring them to deliberately confuse the scientific position on climate change. It was supposedly written by Joel D. Scheraga, EPA Senior Adviser for Climate Adaptation. Scheraga was on the team that produced President Obama’s 2013 Climate Action Plan and was a Lead…

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What’s the Big Deal With Climate Change?

By Abrupt changes, Climate Culture, Climate Reform, Deniers and Delayers, Drought, Emissions Scenarios, Extreme Weather, forest health, Forest Mortality, Impacts, Messaging, Myths, pine beetle, Psycho, Shifting Ecology, Strategy, The Unexpected, What we can do

What’s the Big Deal With Climate Change? We all understand climate change is trouble. Even a really significant percentage of oil and gas professionals understand. Of a recent poll (2014) of 474 oil and gas industry insiders, 85 percent believed global warming was happening, 58 percent were either very sure or extremely sure, and 57 percent…

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Trump on Global Warming: What’s so Bad About A Little Warming

By Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, Forest Mortality, Impacts, Myths, polar vortex, Shifting Ecology, Temperature, The Unexpected

We have all heard it before: “What’s so bad about a little warming?”  Several things are at play here. First, it’s winter. It’s far colder in winter than the warming we have experienced. So when it’s winter it’s cold, relative to when it’s not winter. But a little warming can’t be that bad, right?Our global…

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08-25-2017: Hurricane Harvey Special with Climate Change Scholar & Activist Bruce Melton

By Podcasts

Rag Radio 2017-08-25 – Hurricane Harvey Special with Climate Change Scholar & Activist Bruce Melton by Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer Podcast – This show with climate change researcher and activist Bruce Melton was first broadcast as Hurricane Harvey was approaching landfall – and it includes time specific information about the approaching storm. On the show, Melton…

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09-20-2013: Environmental Researcher & Global Warming Activist Bruce Melton

By Podcasts

Rag Radio 2013-09-20 – Environmental Researcher & Global Warming Activist Bruce Melton on the New Drought of Record and Climate Change Denial by Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer Podcast – Companion Article – Austin environmentalist and Rag Blog contributor talks about global warming, climate change denial, and Austin’s ‘Dry Lake Blues.’ Bruce Melton, an…

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