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Bruce Melton PE

Melton is a professional engineer, environmental researcher, author, filmmaker and front man for the band Climate Change.

Society’s Grand Challenge: Global Climate Change (American Psychological Society)

By Messaging, Psycho, Solutions

A 30 page booklet by the American Psychological Association that helps us understand how behavior is ultimately responsible for this climate pollution mess we are in. Whether it is from $7 billion in climate change counter-movement funding (link) or sheer laziness, the results are the same. This booklet can give insights into why it is…

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The Climate Change Counter-Movement: $7 Billion Umbrella

By Deniers and Delayers, Uncategorized

From Drexel  and Stanford Universities: “The climate change counter-movement has had a real political and ecological impact on the failure of the world to act on the issue of global warming … Like a play on Broadway, the counter-movement has stars in the spotlight – often prominent contrarian scientists or conservative politicians – but behind…

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Congressional Climate Denial, Cherry Picking the Flattening Myth Again, Warming Masks and the Consensus Brainbone

By Deniers and Delayers, Uncategorized

The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works heard climate testimony as to whether or not climate change was real. Conservatives on the committee continued to use their tried and true talking points from the smoking, acid rain, and ozone depleting chemical controversies: that the science is not clear, the cause is not certain,…

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One Hundred Times Faster than Anything in 65 Million Years: The Speed of Climate Change

By clathrates, Climate Catastrophes, Methane, Oceans, Shifting Ecology, Temperature, Uncategorized

Climate change projected by the IPCC 2013 report under the business as usual scenario (RCP8.5) projects climate change in the next 100 years to be as big as the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum extinction event 56 million years ago. Changes today however are happening 100 times faster than the PETM. The PETM was likely a methane…

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Extremely Increasing Extremes Already and the Accuracy of Climate Models

By Extreme Weather, modeling

In the long-term,  extreme weather will certainly become more extreme, with hotter heat waves and less intense cold waves, more intense  precipitation events and longer drought. But in the short-term (40 years or less) things may reverse regionally or they may increase even more dramatically than the long-term rate suggests. This new modeling work shows…

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Optimal Path for Avoiding Dangerous Change and Short-lived Greenhouse Gases

By Abrupt changes, Methane, Uncategorized

Methane (and natural gas), and black carbon (soot) are short-lived greenhouse gases relative to carbon dioxide, N20 (nitrous oxide) and CFC (chlorofluorocarbons). Limiting these short-lived greenhouse gases have obvious benefits in reducing warming. Focusing emissions reductions on these gasses also gives the benefit of delaying warming in the short-term, but really only in a world…

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Defending Francis and Vavrus: Arctic Amplification and Extreme Cold Weather

By Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, Myths, Uncategorized

Arctic Amplification means more energy in the Arctic. It’s warmer there now so there is more energy there. The “amplification” part of Arctic Amplification refers to how the Arctic, which is warming at twice or more the rate of the rest of the world, reacts with the rest of world. The global air currents that…

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Temperature Flattening Myth Part V

By Myths, Temperature

New work out of the University of York in the UK and the University of Ottowa in Canada has pretty much patched another hole in perceived temperature flattening myth. We live and we learn. This story has two parts. One is about the UKs temperature dataset and the other about the main US data set…

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Beach Report: Padre Island National Seashore – Have We Tripped Over a Threshold?

By Beach Report, Beaches coastal, Sea Level Rise

(See the new gallery about this trip to Padre Island National Seashore: link) Padre Island National Seashore, October 19 and 20, 2013 (PINS) First day out: Saturday October, 19th 2013. We had planned a leisurely trip, birding, staying in town at a hotel, eating seafood, light four-wheeling and enjoying the beach. Then, Friday night a…

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ClimateCom Podcasts

By Misc

ClimateCom Podcasts: Miss the event at Scholtz’ Beirgarten on the 6th? Download the podcasts and listen at your leisure. We are very pleased at the success of the forum. We filled Scholz’ to near capacity and everyone stayed for the entire event(!) Podcasts of each segment as well as the whole nine yards are linked…

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