Predictable, the voices are rising as Arctic sea ice melt season peaks. Gore did not say “2013.” He said as soon as 2013. The scientists he quoted were led by sea ice researcher named Wieslaw Maslowski at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California. Their research is funded by the Department of Energy (DOE),…
When will we completely leave our old climate? When will our new climate be 100 percent different than our old? When will the normal temperature in the our new climate be warmer than anything in our old climate? It’s called Climate Departure and it is coming soon to a planet near you. On the path…
Climate Change Communications From the Media – A Mini Symposium Global Warming Psychology 101: Our climate has changed, but the message is not getting through. How can the media better present current climate science so that the public can convince our leaders to act? October 6th, Scholz Biergarten in Austin, 3:45 to 6:45 pm Suggested…
Much is being said about the IPCC report telling us that there has been a pause in warming. It says no such thing. Not only does it say no such thing, it says that that Earth systems warming (atmosphere, land and ocean) has continued unabated. August was the fourth warmest August ever recorded globally, September…
Waste, waste, waste. Through blind luck, sheer madness or backwards genius process, I have stumbled upon a landscaping technique that saves an enormous amount of water. Our Highland Lakes here in Central Texas are just a bit more than 30% full and even 5 to 7 inches of rain in the contributing watershed does not…
Reports of downgrading of climate change issues in the new report are entertaining, but grossly wrong. Climate sensitivity is one such issue that has made the news recently. The reports are that sensitivity has been downgraded—that it is less than it was in the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4; this report is AR5) and this is…
As the release of this massive consensus report nears, media sensationalists are at it again. They are dredging up long proven inaccuracies and waving them from atop their flagpoles using rumors from the report to base their reporting on. Their complicity with vested interests seems obvious, but a close evaluation of their efforts proves they…

Rag Radio 2013-09-20 – Environmental Researcher & Global Warming Activist Bruce Melton on the New Drought of Record and Climate Change Denial by Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer Podcast – Companion Article – Austin environmentalist and Rag Blog contributor talks about global warming, climate change denial, and Austin’s ‘Dry Lake Blues.’ Bruce Melton, an…
A note to a friend that has a few things that one normally doesn’t see or hear when climate change and vulnerable island nations are discussed: Kiribati (Christmas Island) is a Pacific atoll that is one of the ones that will succumb to sea level rise first. It was known as Christmas Island in World…
“Nature” is one of the oldest scientific journals in existence. First Published in 1869, it is also one of the most distinguished and prestigious scientific journals and was ranked the world’s most cited academic journal in 2010. The Nature Publishing Group (NPG) includes 117 academic journals ranging from Acta Pharmacologica Sinca (China’s leading journal on…
From Al Gore’s Ezra Klien’s interview in the Washington Post on 8/21/13 Al Gore has a really important Climate Change Initiative that is gaining steam, participants and press. It is called the Climate Reality Project ( There are a few really important things that Al said about the politics of our climate future that…
The National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder Colorado and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, funded by the National Science Foundation, have been taking a serious look at some radically crazy sea level rise figures. It seems that the Australian Outback has taken over sea level rise. Those widespread floods that ended (temporarily?) Australia’s latest 10-year…
AUSTIN, Texas – The Rag Blog August 15, 2013: The science is certain, but the deniers are just as certain that their pseudo science is certain. Getting the last few deniers to agree with 97 percent of climate scientists though — is that a good use of resources? We have the vast majority of the…
Globally, rainfall intensity, or the amount of rain in the average rainfall event has already been shown to have increased. But another of the rainfall related projections for a warming world—total rainfall—has not yet seen a similar increase. This can be justified in some places as the length of dry periods is longer and the…
In early May, after a late season cold front the temperature was a bit chillier than normal. We set four new record lows. It was the 10th coolest May in the record, yet it was only 0.9 degrees cooler than average. After the record lows we set two new record highs. At the same time,…
From the Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences, one of the largest scientific institutes in southern Europe, the French National Meteorological Service and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (Catalonia is basically one of the 17 states in Spain). The predominant part of the “global warming has stopped myth” is based on the concept…
This is an easy sit-down-and-shut-up explanation for the global warming has stopped myth. In 1998 we had an extraordinary Super El Nino unsurpassed in the modern temperature record that broke the the previous record by 33 percent. This record was almost twice the previous largest jump since climate change impacts began (1981, 21%). This massive…
Published on, Sunday, 26 May 2013 00:00 By Bruce Melton: An in-depth look at Stanford and Cornell’s 100 percent alternative energy road map for New York state- savings of $114 billion by 2030, intricately referenced–astonishing news. (read more)
Increasing warming in the Pacific has been difficult to prove because of El Nino and La Nina. ENSO as it is known, or El Nino Southern Oscillation, is the periodic change in south and equatorial Pacific ocean temperatures that can wreak havoc around the globe. El Nino (warming equatorial and south Pacific ocean temperatures) conditions…
Relative to most of the 20th century, Austin’s January highs and lows were not 2.9 and 1.4 degrees above normal, but 9.9 and 10.4 degrees above normal! (First published on The Rag Blog, April 25, 2013. ) AUSTIN — Average temperatures have risen rapidly at the Austin reporting station since the turn of the…